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Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ S3 Retrospect- Part 3


S3 Retrospect- Part 3

Although they locked Jenny in the bumker, Team Witness soon realize she busted out. Thanks to Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood), Pandora (Shanynn Sossamon) is able to bring Etu Illue (Peter Mensah) into the 21st century. It was tough watching him drain the energy from Jenny, as her screams cut through the air like a million daggers to the heart!

Abbie is more focused than ever and luckily Ichabod is able to decipher the messages Jenny carved into the walls, “Bring me my all-seeing eye so that I be made whole. With divine providence, I will reorder the world as I see fit.” Abbie realizes that the all-seeing “eye” is on the back of the American dollar bill, “Novus Ordo Seclorum, new order of the ages.” Etu Illue calls the mystical binding stone “the eye”.

Before their battle to get Jenny commences, Abbie goes to the FBI and takes the Shard, a “Cranish” book of spells confiscated from Nevins and other equipment out of of the evidence room. When confronted by Reynolds (Lance Gross) as to her sister’s dealings, in a gut-wrenching moment, Abbie turns in her badge and gun!

Needless to say Ichabod, Abbie and Joe make a plan to extract the “eye” from Jenny with the Shard and bust her out! As they approach their destination, Ichabod and Abbie take a moment to recall some of the monsters they’ve slayed over the past couple of years. It’s a cute moment, but what really had Sleepyheads squeeing was when Abbie says:

“You ready to fight some bad guys Crane?”

“Indeed”, he confirms.

Then Abbie says something I didn’t even catch until our rewatch, “My man.”

Oh the feels! I wonder if that was in the script or if Nicole ad-libbed it? Either way I believe she let her feelings out for that few seconds. It’s a revealing moment as to how she views Ichabod.

The Fall Finale sure stirred up the Sleepyhead fandom, watching Ichabod’s “Leftenant” sacrifice herself. For me, the horror of the moment felt as though it is in slow motion.  Jenny, still restrained after her sister’s heroics effectively snuffing the mystical energy from her,  pleads, “Abbie no!”

But my heart skipped a beat as Ichabod and Abbie make eye contact, their own little language, each always knowing what the other is saying with no words necessary. Tears in his eyes he says:

“Don’t”. But it’s too late.

His Leftenant has made up her mind and as Pandora foretold, seals her fate! She utters one last request:

“Take care of each other”, before entering what is believed to be the Underworld!

A moment later an explosion rocks the very foundation of the lair, catapulting Ichabod back, Pandora’s Box shatters! Gripped with fear, Ichabod lumbers up the steps to the tree, hoping the entrance is still there, though he knows the truth deep within his soul…Abbie is gone! The mind-numbing reality of the moment sinks in:

“Abbie!” Ichabod falls to the ground, shocked at the finality of her sacrifice.

I guarantee you there wasn’t a dry “eye” across the country as Ichabod’s grief-stricken face fades from the screen. Fans on social media were in complete and utter shock, trying to compute what they had Witnessed (pun intended)!

While some Sleepyheads cried “Ichabbie Bait”, most of us know this will be the defining moment for Ichabod and Abbie. We are all aware that Ichabod loves Abbie, clearly depicted throughout the last two seasons. While I could see it in the pilot episode, others felt their connection after he decided to take the ‘dream tea’ so Abbie wouldn’t be alone in season one’s “For the Triumph of Evil”.

No matter when you realized Ichabod and Abbie were destined to be together, one thing I know for certain- you can’t have one without the other. The show is solely about the two Witnesses, together. That’s why fans tune in and have been so vocal.

So what’s next? We know that award-winning veteran James McDaniel (NYPD Blue) has been tapped to portray Papa Mills, whom I believe is in the thick of everything! Sounds like Jenny will reach out to her father to illicit his help in finding Abbie. I can’t wait to see Jenny’s scenes with Papa Mills. I have a feeling there’s going to be some shocking revelations!

With only ten episodes left, if the first half of the season hasn’t had you enthralled, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Strap yourselves in, hold on for dear life and enjoy the ride!

*Sleepy Hollow returns February 5, 2016, Fridays at 8:00 m. on FOX!                  Catch up now FOX Network, on FOX Now app or on Hulu.

Missing your weekly does of Ichabbie? Last week Sleepyheads launched ’12 Weeks of Sleepy Hollow‘, our new Friday night addiction. Join us every #SleepyFriday as we rewatch episodes voted by fans! Voting poll for  Dec. 18 rewatch will be posted on Sleep Hollow Addicts website Saturday Dec. 12. Poll closes Wed. Dec. 16 at midnight.

Sleepyheads voted and “For the Triumph of Evil ” won by 42%! Don’t miss our rewatch tonight at 8 p.m. ET.  Join us in the chatbox on SHA website 8-9pm ET. Then stick around for our ‘Hollow Hangout’ with a panel of Sleepyheads to chat about the rewatch, as well as contemplate, theorize and gush about the ‘World of Sleepy Hollow‘!

*Be sure to watch the #HollowHangout, Friday, December 11 at 9p ET to find how what #FondleInForest is and how you can win cool Sleepy swag!

*Follow the Sleepy Hollow panel for the latest news, interviews and talk around the Sleepyhead fandom:


*Correction: Linda Houston @gentlegale, Deb McCue @DeborahMcCue2

*Sleepy Hollow S3 Recap Video  & Ichabbie “I’d Die For You”



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