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Sunday, Feb 9, 2025

Tag : Clifton Campbell

TV Archive

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ S3 Retrospect- Part 3

Chrissy Piccolo
FALL FINALE: “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” S3 Retrospect- Part 3 Although they locked Jenny in the bumker, Team Witness soon realize she busted out. Thanks to Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood), Pandora (Shanynn Sossamon) is able to bring...
TV Archive

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’- A Retrospect of S3, Part One

Chrissy Piccolo
From the beginning of season three, Sleepy Hollow’s new showrunner, Clifton Campbell, hit the ground running with a total reboot after fans rose up in protest over the lack of Ichabod and Abbie in season...
TV Archive

Sleepy Hollow Welcomes “The Hidden One”

Natty Willy
Sleepy Hollow will be getting another visitor called “The Hidden One.” We saw a very brief glimpse of him during Jenny’s dream in last week’s episode. In the next several episodes, we will learn more...
TV Archive

Sleepy Hollow: Looks Like Pandora Won’t be the only Big Bad

Natty Willy
*Warning: Potential Spoilers ahead* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AkiSqHKz_E “A shadow older than time has fallen over your soul. You shall be claimed.” – Azzaca to Jenny around the 1:02 mark. I don’t know about you, but I slightly...