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Friday, Feb 14, 2025

Author : Chrissy Piccolo

http://www.sleepyhollowaddicts.com - 25 Posts - 0 Comments
Chrissy is the founder of The Fan's Voice, producer and host of The Fan's Voice on Blogtalk Radio, Host of X-Files Addicts & Headless Podcast for Southgate Media Group. The Fan's Voice covers prime-time and online television shows, interviewing actors fans love from television, movies and online scripted serials. She is also the host of Hollow Hangout, a weekly video chat with a panel of hard-core Sleepy Hollow fans on YouTube. She currently writes for The Nerd Element, Blogcritics and Examiner, covering events in prime-time and web series such as Paley Fest, Comic Cons, Daytime Emmy's, Indie Series Awards. She is a huge fan of Sleepy Hollow, The X-Files, Star Wars, etc...Chrissy is also writing her first mystery/thriller novel, set to be released online later this year, the first of a series "The Kirsten Kelly Chronicles"- 'The Mystery of the Gold Coin'. In her free time she is an amateur Paranormal Investigator.
TV Recaps/Reviews

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’- The Day A Fandom Cried

Chrissy Piccolo
It’s been two weeks since the disastrous S3 finale of Sleepy Hollow when one of the Witnesses, yes Abbie once again, sacrificed herself as “hope”, entering Pandora’s Box.  Yes it’s true our Nikki Beharie wanted...
TV News/Previews

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’- Anatomy of Season 3

Chrissy Piccolo
After a downhill spiral last season, Sleepy Hollow gained its momentum with a new apocalyptic threat marking the second Tribulation, several new additions to the cast and a new show-runner in Clifton Campbell (The Glades)....
TV Interviews

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Inspires Fundraiser for Veterans

Chrissy Piccolo
One of the things I love about Sleepy Hollow is the fact it’s grounded in the birth of our country. Our Founding Fathers have been reintroduced to us in an unique way, giving us the...
TV News/Previews

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ “One Life” Sets Tone for Season 3B

Chrissy Piccolo
It’s safe to say that the Sleepyhead fandom has been going through Sleepy Hollow withdrawals in spades!  The 12-week hiatus has been fraught with speculation, countless debates across social media about Ichabod and Abbie- will they...
TV Archive

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ S3 Retrospect- Part 3

Chrissy Piccolo
FALL FINALE: “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” S3 Retrospect- Part 3 Although they locked Jenny in the bumker, Team Witness soon realize she busted out. Thanks to Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood), Pandora (Shanynn Sossamon) is able to bring...
TV Archive

‘Sleepy Hollow’- S3 Retrospect, Part Two of Three

Chrissy Piccolo
Now that Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) left his “Crane Family Drama” behind and traveled the world to sort of find himself, our hero is ripe to begin a new relationship. Not only does Ichabod have...
TV Archive

Chrissy’s Corner: ‘Sleepy Hollow’- A Retrospect of S3, Part One

Chrissy Piccolo
From the beginning of season three, Sleepy Hollow’s new showrunner, Clifton Campbell, hit the ground running with a total reboot after fans rose up in protest over the lack of Ichabod and Abbie in season...