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Comic Conventions/Special Events

Silicon Valley Comic Con 2017 recap

Recently we had the chance to attend Silicon Valley Comic Con (which took placeĀ April 21-23 at theĀ  San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, CA). For a comic con to be in it’s second year, we were really impressed how well it was organized. The convention center was split into 2 buildings, and had multiple floors in the main building. The big panels (such as John Cusack, Tom Felton/Grant Gustin, and many more) were held across from the main exhibit hall. There was also an outside park area which helped alleviate a lot of the foot traffic inside the convention center. The park area played host to a variety of food trucks, some vendors, a dog cosplay show, and on the Saturday of the convention there was the March for Science. The convention drew 65,000 people, and it didn’t feel like that many people at all due to how the organizers arranged the convention center and outside events. The dates for next years convention were also announced, and we plan to once again be in attendance overĀ the weekend of April 6-8, 2018.

Some of our highlights from the convention were the party on Friday night hosted by Steve Wozniak, the Grant Gustin/Tom Felton panel, and of course the great cosplay all weekend. We also liked the fact that unlike other conventions, there was a heavy science theme here with booths from SETI, NASA and many more, which was expected being that this convention was in a heavy technology centric area.

While at the convention we also had a chance to once again talk to our friends at Legion M, which you can see the interview for here.

Did you attend Silicon Valley Comic Con in 2017? Did you enjoy it, and will you be back next year? Sound off in the comments below!



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zakin April 30, 2017 at 2:10 pm

Great article and pics!
Where did you get the attendance estimate of 65,000 from? Just curious, as that sounds about right to me, but I have not been able to find an official source yet.

Dan Berry April 30, 2017 at 3:39 pm

Thanks! The info was in an official press release from SVCC. Here’s the link with the whole press release. http://www.thenerdelement.com/2017/04/29/silicon-valley-comic-con-press-release-re-attendance-2018-news/

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