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Monday, Feb 17, 2025
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Comic Conventions/Special Events

Katsucon 2018 Cosplay

Hello again everyone! I know it been quite some time since I’ve brought some photo coverage from cons, but I’m back today with some of the amazing cosplays that were on display during Katsucon, held from February 16th-18th. For those not familiar, Katsucon is a annual fan-based convention based around Japanese traditional and pop culture, and animation. It’s quite popular on the East Coast and is held right outside of Washington, D.C. in National Harbor, Maryland.

Sound off on your fave cosplay below in the comments!

Crowe Altius - Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive
Cosplayer: Saya CostimesHina Araki & Mika Jougasaki - THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls
Cosplayers: @lulukohime (twitter) & @omgitsbarri (twitter)Deadpool!Bob Ross
Cosplayer unknownPikachuConstantine
Cosplayer unknownConstantine
Cosplayer unknownCinder Falls, Qrow Branwen, Genderbent!Roman Torchwick, Winter Schnee, Roman Torchwick, and Ren - RWBY series

Cosplayers unknownDisney's Snow White and Cinderella 
Cosplayers unknownKonan - Naruto series
Cosplayer: @mccoycosplay (ig)Newt Scamander and Queenie  - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Cosplayers: @thekrimsonfuckr (ig) and @blood.red.reaper (ig)Newt Scamander - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Cosplayer: @thekrimsonfuckr (ig)Ivy and Mitsurugi - Soul Calibur series
Cosplayers: Valkyrie Cosfit (fb) and hollandazemedia (ig)
Ivy and Mitsurugi - Soul Calibur series
Cosplayers: Valkyrie Cosfit (fb) and hollandazemedia (ig)Sailor Pluto and Sailor Chibi Moon
Cosplayers: zhennnie (ig) and silvercrescentcosplay (ig)Saber - Fate/Grand Order
Cosplayer: tr_ariagriffincosplay (ig)Paige and Beck - Disney's Tron Uprising
Cosplayers: shotabootyshorts (ig) and shesaniso (ig)Boku no Hero Academia MeetupSansa, Jon Snow, and Ygritte - Game of Thrones
Cosplayers: _autumnhana (ig), kradenine (ig/fb), and inkmonsterdraws (ig/fb)Hakuryuu - Magi
Cosplayer: @xalynnxd (ig)Star and Marco - Disney's Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Cosplayers: Elikathal (ig) and @epicpaopu (ig)The Rugrats!
Angelica: @jdizzo (ig) 
Chuckie: @badkattitude (ig
Tommy: @cmiller75_ (ig)
Phil & Lil: @drocadesign (ig)
San - Princess Mononoke
Cosplayer: SiennaProfessor Umbridge - Harry Potter series
Cosplayer: Melissa D.Lady Pennywise - IT
Cosplayer: @Okamicosplay (ig)Inking Kid - Splatoon
Cosplayer: Wonderdove Cosplay Riven (Dragonblade skin) - League of Legends
Cosplayer: unknownJedi!Iris, Ignis, and Gladio (FFXV-SW mashup)
Cosplayers: @kuewee (ig) @glasses.asshole (ig), and @varidian3 (ig)Formal! Momo and Todoroki - My Hero Academia
Cosplayers: @xlittlenarux (ig) and @_lancelegstrong_ (ig)Trevor Belmont - Netflix's Castlevania
Cosplayer: Rory P. Diamond-Land of the Lustrous [Houseki no Kuni]
Cosplayer: Shado_craft_cosplay (ig)Wakko, Dot, and Yakko - Animaniacs
Cosplayers unknownDemon!Bird Howl - Howl's Moving Castle
Cosplayer: hynoxolus (ig/twitter)
 Snow White -SINoALICE
Cosplayer: @missy.across (ig)Snow White -SINoALICE
Cosplayer: @missy.across (ig)Final Fantasy VII/XV: Kingsglaive Group
[L-R] Cloud Strife, Luche, General Glauca, Ardyn Izunia, Lunafreya Nox Fluret, Crowe Atlus, Nyx Ulric, and Shiva

Cosplayers: @a.punk.named.quinn, @chibidudecosplay, @jlsketch, @kaurawr, @sodoshi, @somaruyoh, @lacee_girl, and @bastetcg (All instagram handles)Shiva - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @bastetcg (ig)Shiva - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @bastetcg (ig)General Glauca - Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive
Cosplayer: jlsketch (ig)Crowe. Luche, and Nyx - Final Fantasy XV: Kingslglaive

Cosplayers: @somaruyoh, @chibidudecosplay @lacee_girl (All instagram)More Nyx lol
Cosplayers: @saya_costumes (ig) and @lacee_girl (ig)Cosplayer: @saya_costumes (ig)Cosplayer: @lacee_girlLunafreya (Kingsglaive attire) - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @sodoshi (ig)Ardyn Izunia - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @kaurawr (ig)Final Showdown!
General Glauca vs Nyx Ulric
Cosplayers: @jlsketch and @saya_costumesTaako - The Adventure Zone [podcast]
Cosplayer: @Cuchintachan (ig)WWE cosplays
Cosplayers: @thewholekittncaboodle and @damiondarkCosplayer: @thewholekittncaboodle (ig)Cosplayer: @damiondarkBeast Boy and Raven - Teen Titans
Cosplayers: @jakedawolfman123 and @focseeJiraiya - Naruto series
Cosplayer: evlmastermindRabbit - Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
Cosplayers unknownQueen of Junkertown - Overwatch
Masquerade Armor - Guild Wars
Cosplayers: @hanari502(ig) and @skycosplay (ig) Masquerade Armor - Guild Wars
Cosplayer: @skycosplay (ig)Queen of Junkertown - Overwatch
Cosplayer: @hanari502 (ig)Cosplayer unknownSlenderman
Cosplayer unknownOfficers Jakoby and Ward - Netflix's Bright
Cosplayers: @arcanekani (ig) & @chibithetall (ig)Officers Jakoby and Ward - Netflix's Bright
Cosplayers: @arcanekani (ig) & @chibithetall (ig)Fem!Prince Philip - Sleeping Beauty
Cosplayer: Paw-Print Cosplay (fb)Gentiana - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @_autumnhana (ig)Sailor Melanin
Cosplayer: Lady Loco Cosplay Pennywise - IT
Cosplayer: ShaneGenderbent Esmerelda
Cosplayer: benhuugrams (ig)
Menat - Street Fighter series
Cosplayer: kawaiixkisses (ig)Black Panther Group
Cosplayers {L-R}: @fashionenigma, @thatjayjustice, @kaldur, @iam.ororo, and @melicious_cosplay (all instagrams) Genderbent Squall and Seifer - Final Fantasy VIII
Cosplayers: @trishneen__cosplay (ig) and @behemothcosplay (ig)Crownsguard Ignis  - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: @zimpup13 (ig)Inuyasha
Cosplayer: @amaranthinebunny (ig)The Grandmaster - Thor Ragnarok 
Cosplayer: @booksandcorsets (ig)Adam Taurus - RWBY
Cosplayer unknownAstolfo - Fate/Apocrypha 
Cosplayer unknownEsmeralda - Hunchback of Notre Dame
Cosplayer: @unproducktive (ig) Sesshormaru - Inuyasha
Cosplayer: @KoorishinzoEmperor Lelouch and CC - Code Geass
Cosplayers unknownNier -  NieR RepliCant  Cosplayer: Kradenine (ig/twitter)A2, Casual 9S, 9S, and Nier - Nier series
Cosplayers: @laun_cosplay, @cashcoi, @chibidudecosplay, and @kradenineAlexander Hamilton, John Lauren, and General Lafayette - Hamilton
Cosplayers: @nightengale37 (ig) @jennstiel (ig), and @thedoctorboy (ig)Taako & Lup - The Adventure Zone [podcast]

Cosplayers: @the_sparrows_providence and @voidfish_taakosTouko - Pokemon Black & White
Cosplayer: headphonestudios (ig) Glinda The Good Witch - Wicked, the Musical
Cosplayer: pinkiebel (ig)Glinda and Elphaba - Wicked, the Musical
Cosplayer: pinkiebel (ig)Aranea - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: alisonjefferyx3 (ig)Aranea - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayer: alisonjefferyx3 (ig)Ignis, Noctis, and Prompto - Final Fantasy XV
Cosplayers: s_noelle_cosplay (ig), and zeikani (ig), 
Link - Legend of Zelda
Cosplayer: deimoscosplay (ig)Old Man Logan
Cosplayer: white.oaks.walkers (ig)
Jean Grey/Phoenix
Cosplayer: @white.oaks.walkers (ig)
  Jean Grey/Phoenix & Old Man Logan
Cosplayers: @white.oaks.walkers (ig)Logan/Wolverine
Cosplayer: @anjin.san.cosplay (ig)
The Wolverines
Cosplayers: white.oaks.walkers (ig) and @anjin.san.cosplay (ig)
Nitocris - Fate/Grand Order
Cosplayer: Chibitifa (ig)Rey - Star Wars: The Last Jedi 
Cosplayer: @prettii_lee_lee (ig)Slave Jasmine, Princess Jasmine and Armored!Moana
Cosplayers: @Fricklefracklemarco (ig), @jenevievedevereauxcosplay, and @spacekittencosplayArmored!Moana
Cosplayer: @spacekittencosplay (ig)Princess Jasmine
Cosplayer: @jenevievedevereauxcosplay (ig)Slave Jasmine
Cosplayer: @Fricklefracklemarco (ig)Sith Bane
Cosplayer: evil_overlord_inc (ig)Sith Bane
Cosplayer: evil_overlord_inc (ig)Magneto and Mystique
Cosplayers: @dgcollins28 and @mikettedwBeast
Cosplayer: @joethebeastmccoyOld Man Logan, Magneto, Mystique, Beast, Jean Gray, and Logan
Cosplayers: @white.oaks.walkers, @dgcollins28,  @mikettedw, @joethebeastmccoy, and @anjin.san.cosplay (ig)
Mecha Umbreon
Cosplayer: @sol_025_cwSpark - Pokemon Go
Cosplayer: SenPie Props (fb)Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter Series
Cosplayer: @marvelchick96

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