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Sunday, Oct 6, 2024
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BooksThe World According to Bryce -Sports

Thanksgiving Football Games!

Good evening, everyone! Today I want to discuss the 3 football games that will be playing starting tomorrow like they always do every time there is Thanksgiving tradition. Here are which teams will be playing:

1.Buffalo Bills

2. Detroit Lions

3. Dallas Cowboys

4. New York Giants

5. New England Patriots

6. Minnesota Vikings

There are a total of 6 teams playing tomorrow. Now, I will go over all three games in order. The first game will be the Bills @Lions game. Both of these teams are coming off with the wins last week. I think the Bills will take down the Lions 31-24. The next game is the Giants @Cowboys game, the divisional rivalries. I think this should be a really good game. The Giants are coming off with the brutal loss to the Lions, the game that was supposed to be an easy win for them. The Cowboys are coming off with a blowout win over the Vikings. I actually think the Giants will barely beat the Cowboys 24-21. The last game is the Patriots @Vikings game. The Patriots are coming off with a narrow victory over the Jets and the Vikings are coming off with the embarrassing loss to the Cowboys. I think the Vikings will bounce back and beat the Patriots 27-17.

So, there you go folks! What do you guys think about the Thanksgiving football game picks?! I would love to hear lots of comments, thoughts, opinions, questions, or concerns down below! Are you ready to watch some Thanksgiving football?!

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

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