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Sunday, Oct 6, 2024

Tag : The Magicians

TV Recaps/Reviews

The Magicians S2E9 Recap/Review: Lesser Evils

Natty Willy
There is just so much to talk about in this episode! Here we go! Recap Brakebills Quentin (Jason Ralph) is placed in a cage for protection by Dean Fogg (Rick Worthy).  Professor Lipson (Keegan Connor...
TV Recaps/Reviews

The Magicians S2E8 Recap/Review: Word as Bond

Natty Willy
Funny thing about word as bond agreements on this show, at least one person tries to find a way to renege on it, as seen on this week’s episode of The Magicians. Recap via GIPHY...
TV Recaps/Reviews

The Magicians S2E7 Recap/Review: Plan B

Natty Willy
So how do magicians rob a bank? We find out in this week’s episode of The Magicians! Recap Let’s start with why everyone needs some gold: Julia (Stella Maeve) and Kady (Jade Tailor) go to...
TV Recaps/Reviews

The Magicians S2E6 Recap/Review: The Cock Barrens

Natty Willy
Margo (Summer Bishil) almost gets tricked into marriage, while Kady (Jade Tailor) comes to Julia’s (Stella Mauve) rescue again.  Niffin Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) pays a visit to Quentin (Jason Ralph) and tortures her parents...